Position Templates allow administrators a consistent way to manage who holds various positions within the organizations they oversee. Position Templates represent roles like President, Vice-President, Captain, Advisor, or Director. The Positions feature also allows for streamlined and efficient messaging based on the Position a user holds. You can also assign different position templates to different types of organizations within your system. If you are a student looking to create new positions within your organization, check out our article on Creating Positions specific to your Organization.

Creating position templates

Position templates are managed individually by each administrative branch, allowing branch administrators to create positions that are specific to the organizations they oversee. To create new position templates, first navigate to the Action Center for your administrative branch. Select Position Templates under Branch Tools.

Click +Position Template at the top of the page to begin building your position template. Give the Position a name and a description. Then, indicate which of the following settings should be applied to the position by checking the box next to each item. See the table below for a description of each setting.

Setting Description
Show Description on the Involvement Record for holders of this position Any user holding this position will have the description of the position included on their Co-Curricular Transcript.
Only assignable by a campus administrator Organization members will not be able to self-identify or fill this position from their organization pages or registration process. Only campus administrators will be able to assign users this position within an organization.
Automatically approve past involvement requests Any past involvement request in which a user identifies as having held this position in an organization will be automatically approved.
Show holders of this position on the organization's roster Users holding this position will be visible on the organization's roster by default, unless the individual user decides to hide this specific membership.
Position Name cannot be changed The name of this position cannot be changed. If, for example, you want users to be able to change the name "President" to match the title they use in their individual organizations, make sure you leave this option unchecked.
Management Access cannot be changed The level of permissions cannot be changed for this position. This setting allows you to determine what level of management access this position will have in their organizations and these permissions cannot be changed within the organization.
Holders of this position can request locations for events If you want users in this position to be able to request event locations when submitting event requests, be sure to select this option.
Holders of this position should be automatically added as Event Reviewers This user will be added as an event reviewer for any events submitted by this organization. For example, if you want every organization's Advisor to serve as an event reviewer for that organization's event submissions, be sure to check the box next to this setting. 
Holders of this position can approve or deny events they review This setting will only be shown if the prior setting is selected. When selected, the user will be able to approve an event and publish it without necessitating any other reviewer or administrator involvement. Note that an individual with access to approve events through position template will not necessarily have access to modify events. 
Apply Changes to all users holding this position This setting is only relevant if you are modifying a pre-existing position template. Checking this box will ensure that the changes you have made to the position template will also be applied to any user currently holding that position template within an organization. It is not relevant if you are creating a position template for the first time. 

Click Create when you are finished. You will be taken back to the list of position templates. Click the name of a position template to manage additional options. You will first be taken to the Properties tab where you will see all of the settings you just selected. Review these selections to make sure the position is designed correctly.

Assigning permission levels to positions

Select the Permissions tab to establish the level of permission this position will have within organizations.


Users who fill Positions with "No access" will not be able to manage any tools within the organization. "All access" allows Position holders to manage every tool within the organization's site - these are the users who will have the most power within the organization. Limited access allows you to select the level of access the Position should have for each tool within the organization site. See below for information about what each level of access will allow for each tool.

None User will only be able to see documents that have been shared publicly or with that user's position.
View User will be able to view all documents, but cannot edit, delete, or create them.
Full User has full access to documents, including the ability to create, edit, and delete them.


None User will only be able to see elections that have been shared publicly or with that user's position.
View User will be able to view all of their organization's elections and election results, but cannot edit, delete, or create them.
Full User will be able to create, edit, and delete elections and view results for their organization.


None User will only be able to see events that have been shared publicly, within their organization, or ones they have been invited to.
View User will be able to view all event details and submissions, but cannot edit, delete, or create them.
Full User has full access to events, including the ability to edit and delete them, manage invitations, manage event attendance, and submit event requests.


None User cannot access the finance tab or use the budgeting tool.
View User can view transactions and requests, but cannot edit or create them.
Full User can submit purchase, funding, and budget requests on behalf of the organization.


None User will only be able to see forms that have been shared publicly or with that user's position.
View User will be able to view all of the organization's forms, but cannot edit, delete, or create them. User can also view form submissions but cannot approve or deny them.
Full User has full access to all of the organization's forms, including the ability to create, edit, and delete forms and manage form submissions.


None User does not have access to the messaging tool, but will receive messages sent to them.
View User can view messages sent from the organization but cannot create new message relays. Note that the user will also need at least view access to the Roster to access this tool. 
Full User has full access to send message relays to members of the organization. Note that the user will also need at least view access to the Roster to access this tool. 


None User will only be able to see news posts that have been shared publicly or with that user's position.
View User will be able to view all of their organization's news posts, but cannot edit, delete, or create posts.
Full User has full access to news for their organization, including the ability to create, edit, and delete posts.


None User will only be able to see photo galleries that have been shared publicly or with that user's position.
View User will be able to view all of their organization's photo galleries, but cannot edit, delete, or create them.
Full User will be able to manage all photo galleries for their organization, including the ability to edit, delete, and create them. 


None User can only see the basic profile of the organization.
View User can view the full organization's profile but cannot update it. This is only different from the "None" setting if the campus has configured additional fields for the organization that are set to either "View" or "Edit" for the Manager/Owner role.
Full User can edit the organization's profile, including any organization additional fields available for Manage/Owner roles. 


None User can view the public roster of members but has no management access for the roster or Positions.
View User can view all members of the organization, organization created positions, but cannot make edits to the roster or create new organization positions. The user will only be able to view this complete list under the Manage area for the organization and their access will surpass any member-defined privacy settings. 
Full In addition to the abilities defined under "View," the user can also manage the organization roster, including the ability to create and edit positions, invite members, and approve memberships.


Service Hours  
None User will be able to see their own service hours and submit service hours for review.
View User will be able to see service hours submitted by any user to this organization, but cannot approve or deny them.
Full User will be able to view all service hours submitted to this organization for all users and make decisions about approving and denying service hours.


None User can view and contribute to the wall.
View User can view and contribute to the wall.
Full User can view and contribute to the wall. 

Additional settings

Finance Stages

If you are utilizing the Finance or Budgeting tools, campus-wide position templates can also be assigned to reviewing finance stages. This process will be determined by your campus's workflow.

Updating Position Templates

If you need to make changes to your position templates at any time, you can do so by updating the various settings from the Properties, Permissions, or Finance Stages tabs and clicking Update. To enforce a change throughout the system, check the box entitled "Apply changes to all users holding this position" before clicking Update. You must save each tab individually for each set of changes to take effect. You can also delete a position template by clicking the red Delete button at the top of the page. 

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