Engage offers you convenient methods to host forms with personalized access, logic and reviewer options. Different types of forms offer advanced functionality and all forms are easily discoverable across Engage. 

Discovering Forms

Most forms can be found within the applicable organization or branch page, but our Forms Directory makes this even easier. Simply click on the Forms tab while on the Explore view of Engage. 

a screenshot of the Explore Forms directory

This page is personalized for each viewer. All forms that 1) you are able to submit and 2) are not hidden from the Forms Directory are shown to the user here. The list is completely custom-organized based on each individual user, making it easier than ever to find exactly the form you're looking for. In order, the user will see:

  1. Any of their own in-progress submissions
  2. Forms that have been featured by a community administrator
  3. Forms hosted by branches that oversee organizations for which they are a member
  4. Forms hosted by organizations they are a member of
  5. All other forms

Organization and Branch Forms vs. Admin Forms

Organization leaders and branch administrators can create forms with conditional logic, personalized reviewers and even more great tools. Community administrators are also able to create forms with a few other key functionality points. Aside from the difference of access necessary to create the form itself, the two options also vary slightly in available features:


By default, "organization forms" will appear on their organization page as well as the Forms directory for any user able to complete the submission. In contrast, "admin" forms can only be found in the Forms directory (if not hidden) or by direct link. 

Submission Restrictions

"Organization forms" created within the Manage view of Engage in a branch or organization page can optionally restrict form submissions to just given positions within their organization. Note that any officer position with forms access will also be able to access the form. 

the screenshot shows an organization form's submission restrictions section with staff advisor and student staff checked off

In this example, only members with the position of "Staff Advisor" or "Student Staff" can complete a form submission. Unchecking these boxes will allow all users regardless of membership to submit the form. 

An "admin form" or "community form" created within the Admin view of Engage can optionally restrict form submissions to just organization primary contacts in given organization types. Enabling this feature means that only primary contacts in the selected organization types will be able to access the form and complete a submission.

Review & Approve Settings

All organization forms can be approved by any member of the organization whose position gives them full access to forms in that organization, any branch administrator and any community administrator with full access to forms. Individual forms can also have assigned reviewers who are notified of each submission and able to view the submission, provide a vote and optionally add a comment. Reviewers can be voting or non-voting. Voting on the submission will not approve or deny the submission, but instead provides a thumbs up or thumbs down indicator on the submission. Voting functionality is only available when the form requires an approval process.

All community forms must be approved by a community administrator with full access to forms community-wide. Individual forms can also have assigned reviewers who are notified of each submission and able to view the submission and optionally leave a comment. Reviewers can be voting or non-voting. Voting on the submission will not approve or deny the submission, but instead provides a thumbs up or thumbs down indicator on the submission. Voting functionality is only available when the form requires an approval process.

Note that community administrators also have additional functionality on any form, including featuring forms in the form directory. 

Next Steps

Now that you have learned more about how forms work overall, next learn more about creating forms and the question types available to you. 

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