Now more than ever we are seeing the importance of being inventive in our methods of communication. Being able to easily share resources like videos and images is necessary to keep students engaged. Because of this, we have begun working to enable video embedding in various parts of Engage.

When you link to a YouTube or Vimeo video in the areas listed below, the video will automatically be embedded at the location of your link.

  • News
  • Event descriptions
  • Election Ballots
  • Path Descriptions (Path, Domain, and Item)
  • Organization Gallery
  • Form questions
  • Organization descriptions

How to Embed Video Links

  1. Navigate to YouTube and Select your Video
  2. Under the video click the "Share" button and copy the link provided.
  3. In Desired Text box Select the "Link" button
  4. Click 'Update"

*Please note that videos may take a few minutes to appear. If a video does not appear please contact support

Organization Gallery

On the Edit Album page, there is a new Videos section as well as an Add Video button.  When clicked, you will be prompted to enter your video URL as well as a title and description. When browsing an album where at least one video has been embedded, you will see a new Videos section there as well. If there are no videos in the album, this section will be hidden. 



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