New to your role as a student leader? We're here to help! In this article, we've provided a list of the resources we think will be most valuable to you as you learn how to navigate Engage and manage your organization's roster, content, registration, and more! Click on any of the links below to view more about a specific topic.
Getting Started
Introduction to Engage for Students
Organization Tool Menu Walkthrough
Re-registering your Organization
Organization Rosters
Sending a Message as an Organization Leader
Changing Position Holders in your Organization
Removing Members from your Organization
Approving Organization Membership Requests
Inviting New Members to Join an Organization
Creating Positions specific to your Organization
Event Management
Creating a New Event in your Organization
Organization Content
Changing Visibility Permissions of an Organization's Content
Changing your Organization's Profile Picture
Additional Organization Tools
Submitting Funding/Purchase Requests for your Organization
Creating an Organization Election