In Engage, users can add reflections to past memberships and event attendance to be configured to appear on the Co-Curricular Transcript. To add reflections to your past involvements, navigate first to your User Drawer by selecting your initial or photo in the upper right hand corner. 


You can add reflections to events you have attended by clicking on My Event History, and you can add reflections to both current and past memberships by selecting My Memberships.


When you select My Event History, you will see a list of events for which you have been marked as an attendee, along with events you RSVPd for that are now in the past. For any event for which you have recorded attendance, you will see the option to add a reflection.


When you select My Memberships, you can switch back and forth between your current and past memberships. For all memberships, you will see the ability to add reflections for each individual position you have held within these organizations.


To ensure these reflections show on your Co-Curricular Transcript, open up the User Drawer again and select Co-Curricular Transcript, or the alternate title your campus has given this document. For each section, you will see the option to show or hide your reflections.


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