By default in Engage, users are given access to the Explore and Manage views of the Switchboard, along with their User Drawer. You can choose to give any user in your community full or limited community administrative access, or access the Admin view.
To change a user's level of community administrative access, click on the Admin view and click on the Users dropdown. Then, navigate to your User List and click on the specific user for whom you want to grant or change access. You can also search through this list by first name, last name, or username.
Clicking on the user will take you to their User Details. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see a setting called "Management Access" which allows you to change the level of community administrative access a user has within your site.
- A user with "No access" will not see the Admin view and will not be able to access any community administrative features.
- A user with "Full access" is considered a Full Community Administrator and will be able to fully manage every tool and feature in your site, as well as any feature within all of your organizations.
- A user with "Limited access" is considered a Limited Community Administrator. You can select the individual tools you want this user to be able to view or manage across the community.
Each tool is listed with a dropdown providing three options: none, view, and full. See the table below for a full explanation of what these permission settings allow users to do within each tool.
Tool | None | View | Full |
Campus-Wide Elections | Cannot see the campus-wide elections tool. | Can view all ballots and results within the Elections tab on the administrative side, but cannot create content. |
Can create and edit ballots and can view results within the Elections tab on the administrative side. |
Paths | Cannot see the Paths tool. | Can view everything built within the Paths tab, but cannot edit or create Paths. |
Can create and edit Paths and domains, as well as add users to Paths. |
Customization | Cannot access the "Site Styles" tab under Configure. |
Can view the settings for the customization of the site under "Site Styles" but cannot edit or make changes. |
Has full access to edit or change the customization of the site, including fonts, colors, and display name. |
Documents | Cannot view organization-specific files within organizations' Documents tool. |
Can view all documents uploaded into any organization's site, but cannot edit document settings. |
Can upload, modify, and delete documents in any organization's site. |
Elections | Cannot view content within the organization-based elections tool in organizations. |
Can view all organization elections, including results in all organization sites. |
Can create ballots and make changes and edits to all organization elections and have full access results. |
Eligibility | Cannot access the Eligibility Lists feature in Campus-Wide Elections. |
Can view eligibility lists for a campus-wide election under the Elections tab on the admin side. |
Can create and edit eligibility lists for a campus-wide election under the Elections tab on the admin side. |
Events | Cannot access the Events tab on the administrative side of the site. | Can access the Events tab on the admin side and view event details from the event list. Users can also view event submissions but cannot make event request decisions. |
Can access the Events tab on the admin side and create/edit/delete all aspects of events, including the event form, all events, and event categories. User can approve/deny event request submissions. |
Experiences | Cannot view Experiences or Experience Types tabs on the administrative side of the site. |
Can view Experience Types and Experience submissions, but cannot take action. |
Can create and edit Experience Types and approve or deny Experience submissions. |
Finance | Cannot view or access the Finance tab in the administrative tools. |
Can access the Finance tab on the admin side and view all Finance details and settings. |
Can access the Finance tab on the admin side and view all Finance details. User can also reviewing and approve finance requests and adjust Finance settings. |
Forms | Cannot view the Forms button under Configure in the administrative tools. |
Can view Forms and Form submissions under the Manage tab, but cannot create forms, edit forms, or manage form submissions. |
Has full access to administrative forms, including the ability to create, edit, and archive forms and to approve and deny form submissions. |
Involvement Imports | Cannot see the Involvement Imports button under Users in the administrative tools. |
Can view Involvement Imports under the Users tab, but cannot create an import. |
Can view Involvement Imports as well as create imports under the Users tab. |
Involvement Requests | Cannot view the Past Involvements button under Users in the administrative tools. |
Can view past involvement requests under the Users tab on the admin side, but cannot approve or deny them. |
Can view, approve, and deny past involvement requests. |
News | Cannot view organization-specific news articles within organizations. |
Can view all News articles for any organization, but cannot edit or create articles for an organization. |
Can view, create, edit, or delete any News articles for any organization site. |
Organizations | Cannot view or access the Organizations tab in the administrative tools. |
Can access the Organizations tab on the admin side and view details for any organization. |
Can create, edit, and delete organizations via the Organizations tab on the admin side. |
Outcomes | Cannot view the Outcomes button under Users on the administrative side of the site. |
Can view Outcomes created under the Users tab but cannot create or edit them. |
Can create, edit, archive or assign Outcomes to events and organizations. |
Photos | Cannot view any organization-specific galleries or photos within organization sites. |
Can view Galleries on any organization page but cannot create, edit, or delete. |
Can create, edit, or delete photo galleries within any organization site. |
Profile | Can only view basic Organization Profile information for all organizations they do not belong to. |
Can only view basic Organization Profile information for all organizations they do not belong to. |
Can view all Organization Profile information for any organization. |
Registration Forms | Does not have access to view registration submissions or registration processes. |
Can view registrations and registration submissions. |
Can create and registration forms, as well as edit, approve or deny registration submissions. |
Roster | Can only view public roster members on organization pages. |
Can view the roster of any organization but cannot manage the roster or manage Positions. |
Can fully manage the roster of any organization, including viewing hidden users. User can also create, edit, or delete any organization positions and assign these positions to members within any organization. |
Service Hours | Cannot access the Service Hours button under Users on the administrative side of the site. |
Can view service hours submissions but cannot approve or deny them. |
Can approve or deny all service sours submissions under the Users tab on the administrative side. |
Users | Cannot access the user list or to manage users in the administrative tools. |
Can access the Users tab on the admin side and view the User List and all user information, but cannot edit information about users. |
Can view and edit all user information, including the ability to grant and take away administrative access for any user. |
Wall | Cannot view Wall comments on organization pages. |
Can view Wall comments for any organization but cannot edit or contribute. |
Can create, edit, and delete Wall comments for any organization. |
When you are finished editing the user's access, click Update Profile to save your changes.