To make changes to an organization page, you must be either the primary contact, or hold an officer position within the group that has been assigned access to administrative features. If you are looking to contact someone that can make changes to a page you are a member of, you can find contact information on the Roster page for your organization.
Editing information about your organization
If you have permissions to make changes to your organization, edit your organization's details by going to the Action Center for your organization, opening up the org tool drawer, and selecting About.
Here you will be able to update your organization summary, contact information, social media information and profile picture. If you are adding links to social media pages, make sure they set to public. If you are adding a Facebook link, make sure it's a group page. Links to personal profiles will not display on your page. You can also update any additional fields requested by your campus's administrators. When you're done making changes, click Update to save.
Note: Information listed in the External Page Links section will be made available on your organization home page, and will be shown on the public side of the site. Users that are not logged into the system will be able to see this information, so do not include anything that shouldn't be public.