Students can use the Engage Paths tool to generate a record of their path progress, documenting what they've achieved. This document is called the Paths Progress Report, and it can be used when students participate in orientation programs, leadership opportunities, campus-wide events or any other program that you set up. Like the Co-Curricular Transcript, the Paths Progress Report shows a breakdown of the student's involvement, but in this case, it is organized around your domains and also displays a chart of the student's progress. This is especially helpful in paths where domains correlate to learning outcomes. 

As a community administrator, you have the ability to determine the general styling of the Paths Progress Report for the path programs you design.

To access your report styling, go to your Admin view, click the Paths dropdown, and then click Progress Report Settings. If you are unable to access this option, contact your consultant or the support team to ensure that the Progress Reports setting is enabled for your community.

Path Progress Report Settings

Select +Add Banner Image to upload a header image that will appear at the top of the report for each user. This banner is an opportunity to brand your path program for your campus. Supported image files (JPG, PNG, or GIF) must be less than 100KB in size and are best within 960px X 120px dimensions. You can also choose a title for this report as well as a description text that will appear about your program.

You can change the color the line that separates each Domain title in the report so that it is easier for students to follow and see which sections they have completed. You can enable to the Domain Progress Chart which will display at the top of their report and will show how much they've completed. This chart will look similar to their progress bar on the path homepage. You can add a description text for this chart too.

Your final settings have to do with what appears with the descriptions of each path item. You can select the label that appears for the description and details of the item, and the label that appears with the user's self reflection of that item. Finally, you can add Footer Text for the report. Click Update when you are done styling the report.


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