Experience imports allow you to bulk import experiences for your users. Only site administrators or those with access to manage experiences will be able to complete this action. To access the experience import template, go to your Admin tools, click the Users dropdown, and then select Experience Import. You will see a list of the imports already run by your campus.


You can click "Where do I start?" at the top of the page to read about some experience import examples. When you are ready to begin the import process, click Create Import in the upper right hand corner.



Now, you can download the Experience Import Template (attached at the bottom of this article). Below you will find a list of all the fields in the template, their descriptions, validation information, and examples. Note that the rows that are bolded are mandatory for your import to be successful, regardless of the type. In addition, any field that is required for the a submission of that specific type is also required in the template. To find out what is required for a specific type, navigate to that type's settings. Any other fields are optional for you to include.

Field Name




Enter “Create” in this field to signify experience creation


Only “Create” will work in this field


ID Number for the Experience Type. This can be found by navigating to your Experience Types, clicking on a Type name, and locating the numbers at the end of the URL.


Experience Type ID number; Example: 1, 12, 36



Authentication credential used to access the system


Any combination of letters or letters and numbers; Example: jdoe123



The name of the experience to be recorded in the system


Any combination of letters, spaces, apostrophes, or quotes; Example: Student Leader of the Year Award



Description of the experience


Any combination of letters, spaces, apostrophes, or quotes; Example: Received award from the Office of Student Life



Date of the Experience (if the experience happened on one date, for example, an award)

 NOTE: You can use either Date or StartDate, but not both. 

MM/DD/YYYY, Example: 04/03/2017



Start date of the experience (if the experience happened over a range of dates, for example, an internship)

 NOTE: You can use either Date or StartDate, but not both. 

MM/DD/YYYY, Example: 04/03/2017



End date of the experience (if StartDate used and the experience has ended. StartDate must be complete to use this field)

MM/DD/YYYY, Example: 04/03/2017



Number of hours tracked during experience


H:MM, Example: 4:30



If the experience is tied to an organization, enter the Organization ID OR the Organization name. The import will fail if you enter both.


Organization ID number; Example: 54213


If the experience is tied to an organization, enter the Organization ID OR the Organization name. The import will fail if you enter both.


Organization name, exactly as it is listed in the system; Example: Student Government Association


Enter the user’s personal reflection of the experience

Any combination of letters, spaces, apostrophes, or quotes


Website that is tied to the experience (if needed)

Any valid website ending in .com, .edu, .org etc.



Contact person who can verify the experience


Any combination of letters, spaces, apostrophes, or quotes; Example: Jane Smith



Title of the contact person who can verify experience


Any combination of letters, spaces, apostrophes, or quotes; Example: Director of Student Life



Domestic (U.S. and Canada) mobile phone number of verification contact

Any combination of digits, maximum 10 characters



Institution-assigned email address of verification contact

Any valid e-mail address Example: jsmith@engageu.edu



Any additional information regarding the experience

Any combination of letters, spaces, apostrophes, or quotes


Mark whether the experience will be “Approved” or “Denied” in the system

Only Approved or Denied will work in this field



Authenticated username of the user who reviewed the experience

Any combination of letters or letters and numbers; Example: jdoe123



Additional comments that are optional to add regarding approving or denying the experience

Any combination of letters, spaces, apostrophes, or quotes



Date the experience was reviewed

MM/DD/YYYY, Example: 04/03/2017

Return to your Engage screen to upload the import when you are finished completing the template. Click Choose File to select your import template and then click Upload. If you have any questions or issues setting up this import, please reach out to us at support@campuslabs.com.

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