One of the benefits to utilizing Engage to track users' service hours is the ability to aggregate that data and see the impact your users are making in their organizations and surrounding communities.
View the impact of your service
You can track the overall impact of your community's service hours through your Admin view by clicking on the Users tab, and then selecting Service Hours. Here, administrators can review service hour submissions as well as monitor the total number of service hours users have completed over a specific period of time.
You can also determine the economic impact of the service performed by your students. You can enter in an hourly value associated with community service. A default hourly value is drawn from the The Federal Agency for Service and Volunteering.
Reports on service hours
To pull reports about the service hours in your community, go to the Configure dropdown and click Reports. Keep in mind that only site administrators will be able to do reporting on service hours within organizations.
You can either choose to report on "Service Hours By Organization" or "Service Hours By User".
If you select "Service Hours By Organization," you can select a specific organization or select to run the report for "All" organizations. You can also adjust the date range as desired for when service hours took place. Finally, indicate whether you want to include active users, archived users, or all users in the report.
If you select "Service Hours By User," you will select the individual user for whom you'd like to run a report of their recorded service hours. You may choose to include that user's additional field information as well. Click “Request Report” and you will be notified when your report is ready to be accessed from your "Downloads" page in your user profile.