Document libraries allow you to create consistency for the types of documents being uploaded by your organization. They act as categories or tags for the documents your organization might be uploading, and a user who uploads a document within an organization will be asked to tie that document to a library type that you create. Only site administrators have the ability to create these various types. Organization leaders are also able to categorize their documents in ways specific to their organization using folders. Read more about organization documents.

To create a document library, click on the Admin view and click on Organizations at the top of the page.


From there, click on Document Libraries. All existing document library types will be displayed on the page, including a few that are put into your site by default.

***Constitutions in Engage are considered protected document types, which means that once a Constitution-type file is uploaded, it can only be altered by a site administrator. For students, the only option available is the "Share" option. To ensure that constitutions can be stored for historical purposes, we recommend including the year and/or semester in the title when uploading the constitution for each registration process.



To create a new library type, click Create Document Library Type and give it a name and a brief description. Examples could include Meeting Minutes, Mission Statements, Organization Resources, or any way you might like your organizations to organize their documents. Click Save to create your document library type. Organization leaders will then have the ability to categorize their documents using these types when they upload files to their organizations.


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